Starting January 1, 2022, if you are uninsured or you pay for health care bills yourself (don’t have your claims submitted to your health plan) or you are a self-pay consumer, health care providers and facilities must provide you with an estimate of expected charges before you get an item or service. This is called a “Good Faith Estimate.” Providers and facilities must provide you with a good faith estimate if you request one, or after you’ve scheduled an item or service. The "Good Faith Estimate" includes expected charges for the primary item or service you are receiving, and any other items or services that are provided as part of the same scheduled experience. Consumers who meet the above criteria will receive their "Good Faith Estimate" through the consumer portal.
The cost of your counseling session depends on a few things. For example, if you have a commercial insurance plan through your employer and I am an in-network provider with that plan, you are responsible for paying your copayment or my contracted rate if you have not met your deductible. If you do not have insurance or if I am not in your plans network of providers you will pay my established self-pay rate for your item or service. The 2023 established rate per each item or service at Renew Counseling Consulting, and Wellness Services LLC service is: $300.00 per each initial assessment, $200 per each 60-minute individual counseling session, $200 per each 60-minute family counseling session. People who are uninsured or under-insured can apply for the Consumer Sliding Fee Discount Program.
This is the total amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance starts to pay. For example, if your deductible is $1,000, then your insurance won’t pay anything until you have paid $1,000 for services subject to the deductible (keep in mind that the deductible may not apply to every service you pay for). Furthermore, even after you’ve met your deductible, you may still owe a copay or co-insurance for each visit.
This is a fixed amount that you must pay for a covered service, as defined by your health plan. Copays usually vary for different plans and types of services. Typically, you must pay this amount at the time of service. Again, copay amounts are fixed—which means you will always pay the same amount, regardless of visit length. In most cases, copayments go toward your deductible.
This type of out-of-pocket payment is calculated as a percent of the total allowed amount for a particular service. In other words, it’s your share of the total cost. For example, let’s say:
· Your insurance plan’s allowed amount for an office visit is $100.
· You’ve already met your deductible.
· You’re responsible for a 20% coinsurance.
In this situation, you’d pay $20 at the point of service. The insurance company would then pay the rest of the allowed amount for that visit. Keep in mind that the coinsurance amount may vary from visit to visit depending on what services you receive.
A Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), commonly referred to as a health reimbursement account, is an IRS-approved, employer-funded, tax-advantaged employer health benefit plan that reimburses employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. The HRA account is funded entirely by your employer; you don't contribute any money to your HRA account. Each plan year, your employer contributes a specified amount to each participant's HRA. As long as there is money in your account, you can use the funds toward eligible HRA expenses. HRAs are designed to act as full health benefits solutions so that employers can pay all or some of the medical expenses of employees. A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). The funds contributed to an account are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit. HSAs are meant to cover expenses that fall under the deductible of a health insurance plan. As such, HSA money generally can't be used to pay for the insurance itself.
Typically, counseling sessions are conducted in a clinical hour (50 minutes). This is also based on what’s covered under your insurance plan. For example, your insurance plan may only provide coverage for a 45 minute individual counseling session.
Information is not released to anyone without written consent except where applicable by federal laws. Privacy notice will be covered during initial in person appointment.
Appointments not cancelled 24 hours before your scheduled appointment day and time are charged a full session cancellation fee where applicable.
Your written consent is required before any services can be provided. The consent for treatment and services will be covered during your initial in appointment.
A five minute grace period is given for lateness. Two consecutive late arrivals will result in termination of services. Referral to appropriate levels of care will be provided when clinically warranted.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911 for immediate assistance.
Please check the website and voicemail recording by dialing 732-588-8740 for information about closings and inclement weather. Sign up for the weekly newsletter to receive practice updates and mental health tips and topics.
Paperwork, such as disability or leave forms, is completed for established consumers only and requires approximately 2-3 business days for completion. Record requests are fulfilled by calling 732-588-8740 and scheduling a day and time to pick up the records in person.
The request for the provider to release records to other healthcare professionals requires a signed records release authorization. This form can be reviewed, signed, and completed in the consumer portal.
Provider does not provide notes excusing absences from school, work, or any other personal obligation. Provider does not provide letters for emotional support animals.
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Services are provided through Telemental Health Counseling until further notice. Provider is in-network with most major insurance plans and can be reached at 732-588-8740 for consultations and to schedule appointments for new consumers.
Hours of Operation:
Monday 9am-7pm EST
Tuesday 9am-7pm EST
Wednesday 10am-7pm EST
Thursday 10am-7pm EST
Current consumers can conveniently schedule appointments on the website.